
    ICT – eClassrooms & Labs

    New technological tools not only bring innovation to academic centers, but also speed up the transfer of information, increase student interest, and allow processes to be automated, among other aspects to be taken into account. It improves concentration and comprehension. The activities carried out through digital and interactive tools increase student concentration and, therefore, they assimilate concepts more quickly, enhancing learning. It promotes student flexibility and autonomy.

    ICT Initiatives by PM SHRI KV LEH:

    • 2 Computer Labs with Internet Facility.
    • Language Lab established with high tech Equipment & Softwares.
    • Science Labs with Computer, projector, digital visualiser and Internet facility.
    • 2 Classrooms with projector and internet facility.
    • Biometric attendance for teachers.
    •  Digital Cameras(CCTV) to cover almost every corner of school for the safety and security of school.
    • Online fee UBI portal is used for fee collection